Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Rally In The Snow

Novemeber brought us some snow this year. We had a snow day at home (my car has awful tires and I couldn't get anywhere) so we made the best of it and took some pics in the snow. It was Rally's first time seeing the snow and he LOVED it! I took him out in it and he was running around like crazy so I got his ball and the camera and we went to town. We were probably out in the backyard for about 45 minutes just playing together. When we came inside he drank tons of water and the passed out on his bed for 3 hours. I love this puppy. Where was Chelsea during this snow romp? She was sleeping in the nice warm bed. She hates the snow or anything cold for that matter. What could have made this better? Brandon being home playing with us. He eventually came home from work, looked at the backyard and asked me if kids had been playing in our yard. Yep! We had a blast.

Pouncing the ball

Brrr Mom that's cold stuff!